Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Gifts that Give!

First Candle is a national nonprofit health organization uniting parents, caregivers and researchers nationwide with government, business and community service groups to advance infant health and survival. With help from a national network of member and partner organizations, we are working to increase public participation and support in the fight against infant mortality.

Shop at the First Candle Mall where a percentage of every purchase comes back to First Candle.

One-on-One calls with Santa! This holiday season, First Candle is partnering with Santa 1-on-1 to bring the spirit of Christmas and magic of Santa Claus directly to the ears and hearts of children everywhere. Santa 1-on-1 allows children to receive a call directly from Santa and participate in a personal conversation with him! Details, such as pets, teacher’s names, gifts requested, etc., will be worked out ahead of time and woven into the conversation.

In addition to bringing a special child’s dream to life, your gift will also support First Candle in our efforts to help babies survive and thrive. For every call scheduled, $1 will be donated. You will also be provided the opportunity to make a personal donation to First Candle at the time of purchase.

To learn more and schedule your call, visit Santa Says Hello.

Don’t delay – get your call scheduled early to make sure you get your first choice of day and time!

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